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  • Writer's pictureMs. Lee

How content creation will protect your future

This message is for people who are:

  • employed

  • underemployed

  • unemployed

  • business owners and entrepreneurs

  • creatives

Listen up:


“But I'm happily employed at my current job.”

  • Could you walk away from your job today and have a new job or source of income tomorrow? Or are you one of the many Americans who have to dust off the old resume and apply for jobs online? If you're the latter, then your job is not bulletproof.

“I'm not creative."

  • Bullshit. Everyone can be creative. Content is not just about arts and crafts. It's not even about blogging and social media posts. It's about establishing a strong personal brand and showcasing in the medium that makes you shine. Start there.

"I've been really stuck in my creative process lately.”

  • Get that creative flow going again with “The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron. You're welcome.

Pay attention to future trends

Start taking action now to protect your future instead of waiting until you're forced to do it because by then, you'll already be way behind.

Over the last three years, I've been paying close attention to what's going on in the workplace. In 2018, there was talk about remote work being the norm in the next five years so I decided to jump into that space early, even though it wasn't generally accepted.

Then 2020 happened and remote work became the norm overnight.

The COVID-19 pandemic taught us many things, but two things in particular: a) life can change in an instant and b) life is short.

Things are shifting dramatically. Certain jobs are going to be extinct soon. Automation and technology made a lot of jobs obsolete, and AI (artificial intelligence) will do the same.

Where to create content for free

By creating content in your unique way now will plant the seeds for future returns. There are so many ways to create content for free. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Write an article on

  2. Write an article on LinkedIn.

  3. Share your thoughts on what's going on in the world (or your world) on any social media platform. If you're focused on career topics, LinkedIn is ideal because there's lot of organic traffic (for now). If you're more into vlogging, Tik-Tok is a fantastic platform because it's growing like crazy and they're even starting to integrate job opportunities on there.

  4. Start a blog on Wordpress, Tumblr, or Blogger. Add that link to your LinkedIn profile.

  5. Create digital products like checklists, guides, and templates. Start with a free Canva account to get started.

A college degree, tailored resume, and work experience are not enough anymore. Social proof is so important and it starts with your online presence.

Stop wasting time by watching and judging others on social media and learn how to leverage it for your own future. You do not have to quit your job and become an entrepreneur if that's not feasible for you right now. You can still be proactive during your downtime*, and start planting the seeds for your future.

*Don't have downtime? Find ways to delegate, automate, or eliminate the mundane tasks in your everyday life. Being busy is a lazy way of thinking.

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